
Fix Revolution Slider Error: slider_export.txt does not exist!

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The revolution slider plugin comes with 2 types of export files. The first type are export examples that are included in the package called Download — under the exports folder. These files are compressed with ZIP, and import the slider, its settings, images and everything else needed for the plugin to work. The other type of export files are file-based, which means they have extensions like .txt, .css, etc. If you encountered the error “slider_export.txt does not exist!” while installing the plugin or importing a custom slider, there are a few things you can do to troubleshoot the Revolution slider, and fix this issue.

Solution 1 – Fix the “slider_export.txt does not exist” error

This solution should work most of the time. Here are the steps:

  1. Unzip the slider file ( into a folder.
  2. In WordPress under Revolution Slider, click on Import Slider and instead of uploading the whole unzipped file, upload only slider_export.txt.
  3. Login with your FTP client to your server, and navigate to wp-content/plugins/revslider/rs-plugin/css. Here, upload/overwrite the following 2 CSS files: dynamic-captions.css and static-captions.css. You can find these files in the folder where you unzipped the slider file from Step 1.
  4. Upload the images (if any image is included within the slider) folder to: \wp-content\uploads\201X\YZ. (* Note – Make sure to upload the images to the proper folder according to the dates)

Solution 2

Sometimes, this Revolution Slider error can also occur due to insufficient file permissions on your server for the uploads directory in wp-contents. To fix it, you need to change the permissions to 755 of the uploads directory and its subdirectories, and 644 permissions for the files inside it. But before you do this, you need to check the existing permissions of the uploads directory and its files. (Note – this solution may be complicated for some users, so it is highly recommended that you contact your hosting provider if the issue persists.)

Understanding and Checking File Permissions

You can easily check the file permissions by navigating to your server and running a simple command ls -l. For instance:
1. cd public_html/wp-content
4. ls -l. This command will list all directories in wp-content with their permissions.
To turn a file permission like this drwxr–r– to a number format, you need to remember 3 simple rules:
r means Read and it is equal to 4.
w means Write and it is equal to 2.
x means Execute and it is equal to 1.

UNIX/Linux environments always represent file/directory permissions in this format (rwx). Each file and directory has permissions for owner, group and world. This means that permissions are separated into 3 sections, and each of those sections applies to a different type of user. So, let’s translate something like drwxr–r– into a number. First we will break it down, so it is more obvious:
drwx r– r–
The owner has rwx, the group has r– and world has r–.
Note: The “d” at the beginning means that we’re talking about a directory, and not an ordinary file. A dash (-) means “no permission”, with one exception. If you see a dash (-) at the beginning of “rwx” expression instead of “d”, that indicates a file.

In plain English, this means that the owner of the directory has read-write-execute, while the group and world have only read permissions. If you take a look at our 3 simple rules from above, you can easily translate this sequence of permissions into a number: owner(read(4) + write(2) + execute(1) = 7), group(4) and world(4). This means that the uploads folder has 744 instead of 755 permissions, and we need to change that.

Changing File Permissions

If you found out that your directory and file permissions are not 755 and 644 respectively, you need to change them. To do that, SSH to your server using your terminal, navigate to the wp-content directory and type:
find uploads -type d -exec chmod 755 {} \;
once that’s executed, type
find uploads -type f -exec chmod 644 {} \;
The 2 commands above will find the uploads folder and change file permissions to 755 for folders and 644 for files recursively.



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