
Choose the Right WordPress Theme for Your Podcast Website

The theme you choose will form the foundation for your podcasting website. It will determine how your site looks, and whether or not it provides the podcasting functionality you’ll need. For this reason, it’s essential to make your decision carefully.

While you could use any WordPress theme, we’d suggest looking for one designed specifically for podcasters. That way, you’ll get access to all the features required to show off your podcast in the best possible light. Fortunately, there are some excellent options available.

In this post, we’ll talk a bit more about why you’d want to use a dedicated podcasting theme. Then we’ll explain what to look for in this type of theme, and introduce you to some examples from our own collection. Let’s get started!

Why You Might Need a Dedicated Podcasting Theme

If you run a podcast, creating a website for it is a smart idea. A dedicated site will let you feature all your episodes in one place, offer plenty of supplementary information, and promote any associated products or services.

Actually setting up a WordPress site for your podcast is simple. Still, there are a few initial decisions you’ll want to carefully consider. One of the first tasks is choosing your theme – and that’s not something you want to rush given there are thousands of WordPress themes available.

In short, a theme governs the design of your site, and you can usually change its appearance and layout to suit your precise needs. While some themes are multipurpose in nature, many others are niche-specific.

A podcasting site, for example, has unique needs. Opting for a dedicated podcasting theme will enable you to display your work in an attractive, organized way, and make listening simple for your audience. What’s more, you’ll sometimes get access to extra features and plugins designed specifically for podcasters.

So while using a podcasting theme isn’t required, it’s a must-have if you want your site to really take off. Let’s discuss what these themes have to offer in more detail.

What to Look for in a WordPress Podcasting Theme

You won’t want to settle for the first podcasting theme that crosses your path. Plus, just because a theme says it’s designed for podcasters doesn’t mean it will have everything you need. It’s vital to evaluate each option carefully, so you don’t end up having to change themes after your site is already built.

When it comes to picking out a podcast theme, here are some of the features you’ll want to look for:

  • Multiple options for embedding media files.
  • A robust, user-friendly audio player.
  • Compatibility with any podcasting plugins you might want to use.
  • Lots of layout and customization options for creating a unique podcasting site.
  • Podcast-specific design features, such as episode sliders.
  • Excellent optimization and performance, so visitors have a smooth experience.

In addition, you’ll want to adhere to some simple criteria when choosing any WordPress theme. This means looking for one that’s regularly updated, has good reviews from users, and comes from a reliable source. This can be easier said then done, so let’s wrap up with some examples to help you start your search.

4 Examples of Podcasting Themes for Your Website

Now you know what to look for in a podcasting theme, you’ll likely want to explore your options. To get you started, here are four themes from our own collection. Each one was designed with the needs of a podcasting website firmly in mind.

1. Dixie

If you’re looking for a simple-to-use yet powerful podcasting theme, Dixie is one to check out. It offers a clean, uncluttered layout and appearance, to keep the spotlight firmly on your podcasts. What’s more, Dixie is easy to set up and customize quickly. At the same time, it provides access to a lot of dedicated podcasting functionality.

Key Features:

  • Offers multiple layout options, so you can create a unique-looking site.
  • Includes the popular Elementor page builder, as well as specially-designed add-ons.
  • Provides embedded media support, to make displaying your podcasts easier.
  • Features a fully-featured audio player, which is compatible with all major browsers.


The Dixie theme is available for $69. As with all our themes, this price includes one year of updates and support. You can also get the full bundle of four themes for $139, or lifetime access to the entire collection for $389.

2. Satchmo

Podcasts may be audio-based content, but they’ll get more attention if you support them with strong visuals. The Satchmo theme helps you design your website to look elegant and professional, so it’s a worthy showcase for your episodes.

Key Features:

  • Integrates easily with key podcasting plugins, such as PowerPress and Seriously Simple Podcasting.
  • Provides a host of design options, color choices, and font controls, so you can customize your site to fit your brand.
  • Offers embedded media support, as well as supporting MP3 files (both locally and externally hosted).
  • Includes an episode slider, enabling you to display your podcasts in a stylish, creative way.


You can get Satchmo, along with a year of updates and support, for $69.

3. Gumbo

If you want the ultimate in control over your podcast website, you can’t go wrong with Gumbo. This theme is both flexible and powerful, providing a ton of options to help you bring your vision to life. Customizing Gumbo is easy, and the result will be a modern-looking, highly-optimized podcast site.

Key Features:

  • Enables you to display your podcasts just about anywhere you want on your site.
  • Lets you include a download option, and set your podcasts to play in a new window.
  • Makes it possible to customize every aspect of the theme, including layout, features, colors, and so on.
  • Includes a Show Hosts page, to show off the personalities behind your podcast.
  • Our Gumbo theme was selected as one of the Fastest WordPress Themes by WPBuffs!


A license, updates, and support for Gumbo will cost you just $69.

4. Bolden

The three themes introduced so far are ideal if you’re running a single podcast. However, what if you’re managing an entire podcast network? Enter Bolden. This robust theme is designed to feature multiple podcasts on one site – although it’s great for solo podcasters too!

Key Features:

  • Offers dozens of design and layout options to help you organize and showcase multiple podcasts.
  • Includes a Shows custom post type, to help you create podcast pages more quickly.
  • Provides a set of add-ons specifically created for podcast network sites.
  • Is well-optimized and fast, to keep performance high no matter how many shows you upload.


Despite its many extras, Bolden is available for the same $69 as our other themes (which naturally includes updates and support).


Creating a visually attractive and compelling website takes time. With the right theme, however, the effort required can be dramatically reduced. This is just one reason to pick a theme designed for the exact type of site you’re building.

If you’re a podcaster, this means looking for a dedicated podcasting theme. You’ll want one that’s reliable, performs well, integrates with key podcasting tools, and provides all the features you’ll need to display your episodes effectively. Fortunately, it’s not too hard to find themes meeting all of these criteria.

Do you have any questions about how to choose the right podcasting theme for your website? Ask away in the comments section below!

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