
Create a Free Account

Don’t Have a Account? Here’s How to Open One. Before you open an account with, you will need:


Email address

The email address that you use the most should be the one to be submitted in the account creation. It may be A Gmail account, Yahoo mail, Y mail or even skyrocket.


It can be anything that you find suitable. Let your imagination run wild. People prefer using their personal names but often find it to have been in use prior or currently. However, if you so desire to use your name, you can always add some numbers at the end to make it unique. Note that your username will not be your blog’s name. It’s simply to access the portal of your dashboard. The dashboard is where you get the platform to customize the blog’s look, change ads settings and publish posts.


The password is the most crucial part of the whole process. A password that is easily captured is prone to many problems from posts deletion, plagiarism, and even blog deletion. It is, therefore, choosing a password that is unique and hard to predict. The number of characters is important as it makes it more difficult for hackers to access your dashboard. Characters such as *&%# are a good idea as they make the password harder to be hacked.

Blog Address

Your highest levels of creativity are required at this point. has millions of users, and it is hard to find a name that is not already in use. You will get a notification each time a username is in use. Your blog name is not restricted, and you can be as creative as you would so wish. After you are through with this process, you can now click on the create button. It is not crucial to have the paid version since it’s quite expensive and does not give you as many advantages right now as later on.


Before you can start blogging, you will be required to go over to the email inbox and verify the mail that will be used to access the blog. After that, you can log in the blog.

Customizing your blog

WordPress accounts have the most user-friendly dashboards. Logging in is as easy as bread on butter. Before you start publishing posts, you may need to make a few adjustments on the blog’s outlook. You can do this by clicking on ‘Appearance’ on your desktop. You can also customize your blog through your phone; WordPress accounts give two points of access to the blog.

Themes vary, and you can choose and change as you so, please. There are both free and paid themes offered, but you are not required to go for the paid ones just yet. If you are finding it hard to get a suitable theme, I used “Truth Minimal’. It is neat and pleasing to the eyes. To activate the theme, click on ‘active’ and voila!

Adding new pages and blog posts

On your dashboard you will use “post”-> new and for pages use “page” ->add new. Pages are usually for Contact info, Gallery or About us while posts are for your blogging posts.

After you have created the new blog post, click on the publish button and add some tags to increase is SEO. SEO simply means to make your posts or blog easier to find on the search engines; it increases its visibility on the web.

Blogging may not be as easy as you may imagine. As a new user, don’t be so eager to hit the one million mark. It takes time but to increase traffic you can share your blog with you friends on other social media platforms such as Facebook, Twitter, Linked In and even Hangouts.

Note – is a paid managed service. You can obviously use that solution, or go for the free solution in Both are based on the same code but have some slight differences.

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